
  • Larisa D. Bednarskaya I.S. Turgenev Orel State University


DOI 10.18522/1995-0640-2022-3-169-181

The article reveals the essence of the modern educational paradigm, the methodological basis of which is a system-activity approach that creates a unified educational environment in development at all stages of school education. The problem of systemicity as the most complex component of the system-activity paradigm of modern education is analyzed from a theoretical standpoint, since the methodology of learning the Russian language is determined by its system, systemicity underlies the meta-subject and level-level nature of the development of competencies. The language system manifests itself in speech activity and is fixed in speech – its result, clothed in oral or written form, thus, the language includes three constituent aspects: the language system – speech activity – speech. Consistency is the basis for the intensification of the educational process, the integrative development of oral and written speech in their interrelation, in-depth study of subjects and project activities. The essence of deepening is not to add scientific terms, Modern methodology can be attributed to complex adaptive systems. It is complex (complex), because it includes many different systemically interrelated elements, and an adaptive system (configurable), because it has the opportunity to develop and accumulate experience, applying it in daily pedagogical work at new levels of state requirements for the state of education. Keywords: system-activity technologies, practice of level education, intensification of the development of subject and meta-subject competencies, in-depth study of the subject, project activity.but to discover the systemic connections of a particular language element with elements of other levels, combining them into a single volumetric-spheroidal whole. Project activity is directly related to the in-depth study of the subject and the development of the student’s personality, because it develops creative activity, teaches to recognize and evaluate their thoughts and actions, compare the result of the action with the goal, provides maximum socialization in the process of working in a group. Modern methodology can be attributed to complex adaptive systems. It is complex (complex), because it includes many different systemically interrelated elements, and an adaptive system (configurable), because it has the opportunity to develop and accumulate experience, applying it in daily pedagogical work at new levels of state requirements for the state of education.

Keywords: system-activity technologies, practice of level education, intensification of the development of subject and meta-subject competencies, in-depth study of the subject, project activity

Author Biography

Larisa D. Bednarskaya , I.S. Turgenev Orel State University

grand Ph.D. of Philology, professor. Institute of philology



How to Cite

Bednarskaya Л. Д. . (2022). PRINCIPLES OF CONSISTENCY IN METHODOLOGICAL SCIENCE. Proceedings of Southern Federal University. Philology, 26(3), 169–181. Retrieved from

