French in the XX Century: Development Tendencies


  • Таисия Ивановна Скоробогатова Southern Federal University
  • Екатерина Александровна Назарова Southern Federal University


Taisiya I. Skorobogatova, Ekaterina A. Nazarova (Southern Federal

University. Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation)

This article is devoted to the disclosure of changes that occurred in the French language in the XX century. The task of the authors is to present the main features characteristic of the French language of the 20th century, taking into account external history and to give their perspective assessment.

World wars, the development of communication tools and the creation of new technologies, the strengthening of cultural and economic ties between France and other countries of the world had a significant impact on the evolution of the French language.

Important results of the development of the French language in the period under review include: fixing a new phoneme [ŋ] in the consonantial system of the French language; enrichment of the lexical system at the expense of internal resources and at the expense of other languages; strengthening the dynamics of the development of the non-literary part of the language; increase in the number of syntactic Anglicisms.

In general, the authors of the article attempted to give a detailed answer to the question: if there was the impoverishment of the French language in the twentieth century.

Key words: history of the French language, the 20th century, argo poalu, Anglo-Americanisms, franglais, phoneme [ŋ] in the consonantial system of the French language, feminization of the names of professions, rectification of French orthography.

DOI 10.23683/1995-0640-2017-2-74-84

Author Biographies

Таисия Ивановна Скоробогатова, Southern Federal University

Taisiya I. Skorobogatova – Ph.D. of philology, associate professor of Roman philology dpt. Institute of philology, journalism and cross-cultural communication. Southern Federal University

Екатерина Александровна Назарова, Southern Federal University

Ekaterina A. Nazarova – senior lecturer of Roman philology dpt. Institute of philology, journalism and cross-cultural communication. Southern Federal University


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Walter H. Le Français dans tous les sens. Paris: Robert Laffont, 2001. 416 p.

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How to Cite

Скоробогатова, Т. И., & Назарова, Е. А. (2017). French in the XX Century: Development Tendencies. Proceedings of Southern Federal University. Philology, (2), 74–84. Retrieved from




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